How much added value is there in your product? 12. July 2018 Value management delivers competitive advantages on product, process and service levels. WILD employees recently learned how to skilfully apply it to their customers’ advantage during a workshop led by value manager Dr. Manfred Ninaus. How can we already begin optimising the cost-benefit ratio in the development phase? How can we better support our customers with functionally adjusted and cost-optimised products, processes and services? These and many other questions were recently tackled by around 10 WILD employees from the areas of development, sales and assembly during a three-day qualification workshop. The workshop was headed by Dr. Manfred Ninaus, President of the „Value for Europe Boards“ of the European Training and Certification System in the area of value analysis. “In the future, it will become increasingly important to optimise product benefit through targeted cost savings in order to maintain a competitive edge”, stressed Ninaus. Value engineering across the entire product creation process has been one of the service packages in WILD’s Service Roadmap for years. “We help our customers successfully implement cost optimisation in the right places and thus skilfully focus optimisation processes”, says Franz Rittmannsberger, Head of Development at WILD GmbH. WILD experts set up a kind of firewall to timely intercept costs through interdisciplinary cooperation. All factors ranging from complete re-engineering and optimisation of the supply chain to customised manufacturing technologies and assembly flow analysis are thoroughly scrutinised. Even with fully developed products, it is sometimes necessary to detect and utilise improvement potentials. Train your values! For this reason, in addition to knowledge building, the workshop with value manager Manfred Ninaus also focused on in-depth training using various tools such as SWOT analysis, ABC analysis, morphological box, functional cost matrix and benefit measurement. The theoretical part was followed by the application of these tools in workgroups on the basis of practical examples.