WILD has been collecting considerable expertise in medical technology for years.
WILD is capable of producing a wide range of laboratory device classes.
WILD is a major player in the manufacturing of in-vitro diagnostics equipment.
WILD is a specialist in lasers for medical technology and particle analysis.
WILD has decades of experience in the field of optical measurement technology.
WILD produces precise and highly complex manufacturing parts itself.
WILD Elektronik und Kunststoff GmbH & Co KG
WILD Technologies s.r.o.
PHOTONIC Optische Geräte GesmbH & Co KG
WILD GmbH Wildstraße 4 9100 Völkermarkt, Österreich
T +43 4232 2527 0 F +43 4232 2527 218
sales@wild.at www.wild.at
WILD Elektronik und Kunststoff GmbH & Co KG Industriestraße 4 9241 Wernberg, Österreich
T +43 4232 2527 300 F +43 4232 2527 319
electronics@wild.at www.wild.at
WILD Technologies s.r.o Coburgova 84 / 7607 91748 Trnava, Slowakei
T +421 33 29 018 02 F +421 33 29 018 01
wildtechnologies@wild.at www.wild.at
PHOTONIC Optische Geräte GmbH & Co KG Seeböckgasse 59 1160 Wien, Österreich
T +43 1 486 56 91 0 F +43 1 486 56 91 33