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Career at WILD

Current jobs and internships, information on social benefits and flexible working hours. Discover what makes WILD an attractive employer.

WILD as an employer
For us, passion, drive, curiosity, courage and initiative are essential WILD characteristics for stable growth. Our employees are WILD and their know-how is one of the most important foundations for sustainable corporate success.
Career Entrants
Through individual training programs and “learning on the job” – within the WILD Group you will benefit from our wide range of core competencies.
Experienced Professionals
We invest a great deal in our employees. We can only pursue our mission as the “most trusted company” if we trust.
Job Vacancies
Convince us of your skills, your previous experience and your ideas with your online application. You will find the current vacancies in the job vacancies section.
Kontakt & Support
Am liebsten im Rahmen eines persönlichen Gesprächs.
Wenn es besonders schnell gehen soll, natürlich auch per Telefon oder E-Mail.
Mag. Andrea Gritsch