WILD has been collecting considerable expertise in medical technology for years.
WILD is capable of producing a wide range of laboratory device classes.
WILD is a major player in the manufacturing of in-vitro diagnostics equipment.
WILD is a specialist in lasers for medical technology and particle analysis.
WILD has decades of experience in the field of optical measurement technology.
WILD produces precise and highly complex manufacturing parts itself.
WILD Elektronik und Kunststoff GmbH & Co KG
WILD Technologies s.r.o.
PHOTONIC Optische Geräte GesmbH & Co KG
Metalworking technician apprentice & Red Cross paramedic
Please introduce your work at WILD:
I have been undertaking an apprenticeship as a metalworking technician with a focus on machining at WILD since 2018.
What does a typical day look like for you?
As a rule, most of my work involves manufacturing of customer products. I am engaged in a broad scope of mechanical manufacturing activities, which makes my work quite diversified. I enjoy spending my breaks with other WILD apprentices.
Do you have a mentor to support you in your work?
Yes, I receive support both from a mentor and from several trainers who I turn to for help at all times.
Why was it the right decision for you to apply for this job at WILD?
I enjoy working with meta, and I want to continue working in this area in the future. Moreover, WILD is a leader in our region and I feel very comfortable in this motivated team.
How would you rate your training at WILD?
Thanks to my three-phase education combining practical training, vocational school and technical academy, I am receiving the best possible preparation for my professional future. What makes WILD such an attractive employer for me are the richly diverse projects, numerous further training opportunities and a certain fun factor in the collaboration.
What does WILD offer its apprentices beyond that?
Apprentices can also choose from a wide range of sports possibilities or personality coaching classes.
What about digitalisation, does this topic play a role in your training?
I have a digital workplace and I also receive all drawings of the components and the work instructions from my trainers in a digital format.
You work for the Red Cross in your free time?
I have been a member of the Red Cross Youth Group in Völkermarkt since 2013. In 2019, I completed my paramedic training and I have been working as a first responder ever since. We deal with a wide variety of tasks – ranging from equipment checks and caring for patients before, during and after transport, to the hygienic preparation of our materials. As a staff member of a company that manufactures medical products, it is fascinating to see how crucial such devices can be in our daily missions.
Does your employer help you reconcile your training and your work as a volunteer?
The WILD Management released me from my work duties so I could focus more on my duties as a first responder during the coronavirus pandemic. I have continued to receive my apprenticeship pay and my apprenticeship time will not be prolonged as a result of my voluntary service. As systems partner for renowned medical technology manufacturers, WILD was particularly keen on making a contribution in times of crisis.
What is so fascinating about your voluntary work?
The work in a team, the camaraderie and the appreciation of people in general.