Stefan Zotter is the new Managing Director of the Photonic. 19. July 2022 The WILD Group is strengthening its management: With immediate effect, Stefan Zotter is taking over the operational management of the Photonic, based in Vienna. The 37-year-old Viennese Dr. Stefan Zotter is eager to push forward the successful Photonic strategy of acting primarily as a technology partner for lighting technology and optical systems within the WILD Group. “This business model has proven itself in recent years and is now to be expanded even more. On the one hand, we are supported by technically experienced customer service representatives with specific application know-how, who can thus optimally understand and solve customer requirements. On the other hand, we have highly qualified developers and project managers in our team, who are also able to implement development projects for our customers,” emphasizes Zotter, who during his physics studies at the University of Vienna, was also working as a research assistant at the Institute of Quantum Optics and Quantum Information under the direction of o.Univ.-Prof. Anton Zeilinger. Measurement with light Zotter, with his experience as the former Photonic development and site manager and having been with the company since 2015, sees great business potential for the future and not only in the field of lighting. “Today, light is also often needed to measure or display further information. One interesting field is fluorescence diagnostics, where infrared light from an LED or a laser source is used to visualize tumor tissue in the body. We also have extensive expertise in this area. That is why we want to position ourselves in the future not only as a partner for light generation, but also for the measurement of light, as well as strengthen our activities in the areas of sensor technology, electronics, and software,” says the new Managing Director in his outlook for the future. At the top of his to-do list is currently personnel management, among other things. “The market is changing rapidly. If we manage to be fast, we can benefit from that. I see it as a most important task to provide sufficient resources to also be able to successfully implement future projects. Therefore, we need to bring new employees into the team.” For this challenge the father of two can draw strength through his knowledge of human nature. „I am told to have a good knowledge of human nature. I always try to understand the needs and motivation of the person in front of me,” says Zotter. Incidentally, he explains his work motivation as follows: “The WILD Group has contributed a lot to my personal and professional development. I have always received great trust, was valued as an employee and was able to work independently and creatively. I owe a lot to the WILD Group and that is why its success and future development is also very important to me personally. I try to transfer this motivation to our employees, to bring out the best in them. For me, leadership means being a leader, not a boss.”