A compelling appearance. 08. November 2018 Together with three of its WIN network partners, WILD is presenting bundled Expertise for photonic applications in medical technology to visitors at COMPAMED 2018. Medical technology customers are finding it increasingly difficult to keep track of developments and to build up functioning interfaces while, at the same time, maintaining a fast pace. WILD therefore used this year’s COMPAMED as an opportunity to demonstrate how projects can be advanced quickly and safely despite the ever-increasing requirements with the help of well-coordinated partnerships. The systems partner has developed such partnerships within its WILD Integrated Networks, in short WIN, which is comprised of companies such as velixX, INSION and CDE Communications Data Engineering. At COMPAMED, the network partners are also exhibiting together this year. “This makes it easier for interested parties to comprehensively address their tasks in the areas of medical & life sciences and in-vitro diagnostics & analytics person to person and to gain insight into the latest developments in these areas. For every aspect, you can immediately find the right expert”, WILD Group’s CTO Wolfgang Warum explains. More specifically, velixX can provide advice in Connection with the development of device modules or complete systems for in-vitro diagnostics, thereby also contributing a lot of experience in cooperation management and planning. INSION specialises in micro-optics, measurement equipment and spectrometers. Software developer CDE provides information on application software, big data, data mining and predictive analytics. As the central knowledge hub of this network, WILD pools all of these individual skills and guarantees efficient serial production thanks to its extensive production expertise and secure processes. “In addition, in such joint venture projects, we contribute the necessary documents and certificates required for registration and we support the project Partners in their communication with the relevant agencies. For our customers, this means that they have a main contact partner to support them in every project phase. There are no interface problems and customers are certain to accomplish the desired project success”, emphasises Manfred Gallé, Head of the Medical Technology Division. WILD’s main focus at this year’s COMPAMED 2018 (Hall 8a | J19) is “Photonics in Medical Technology”. The company will be focussing on this booming field of application by presenting assemblies and other exhibits and staging several expert talks. In an expert lecture to be delivered at the Suppliers Forum (13 November 2018, from 2.30 to 3.00 pm, Hall 8b | G40) WILD Business Developer Wolfgang Stiegmaier and Dominic Konrad from WIN network partner IQC will be explaining how to implement the MDR most efficiently. At this year’s MEDICA 2018 (Hall 17 | D20), Photonic will be presenting various light sources and modules for medical technology and surgery lights, as well as its 2-in-1 combolight for the examination and treatment of infant jaundice.