Always a bestseller.

WILD AutoQC, a module for quality control measurement in blood analysers Fifteen years ago, WILD opened the door to the IVD market with AutoQC, a module for quality control measurement in blood analysers.

This data must be 100% reliable for physicians and their evidence must not allow for any fluctuation margins. In-vitro diagnostics play a vital role and have become an indispensable element in the daily operation of medical institutions. But how can you guarantee that blood analysers function in an absolutely reliable manner? WILD‘s AutoQC module, developed for the automatic recalibration and thus Quality control of measurement functions in analysers, is an example of such precision.

The demand is particularly high at the moment due to the Covid-19 situation, since the module is used in devices that analyse blood gas values and hence deliver precise readings for substantiated treatment decisions.

The assembly, developed and manufactured by WILD, automatically opens ampoules and transports them to a suction station. The ampoules contain calibrated fluids used for the automatic check of the measurement system. ”A particularly difficult engineering challenge is the high precision of the lift system and its subsequent calibration. In the beginnings, we had difficulties with the precise opening of the ampoules, the severed part of which must fall into a clearly defined area so as to avoid blocking the entire system“, remembers Christian Doujak, Head of Sales at WILD Electronics. The fact that AutoQC still constitutes the state of the art can be attributed to WILD‘s development achievement and its successful life cycle engineering.