WILD has been collecting considerable expertise in medical technology for years.
WILD is capable of producing a wide range of laboratory device classes.
WILD is a major player in the manufacturing of in-vitro diagnostics equipment.
WILD is a specialist in lasers for medical technology and particle analysis.
WILD has decades of experience in the field of optical measurement technology.
WILD produces precise and highly complex manufacturing parts itself.
WILD Elektronik und Kunststoff GmbH & Co KG
WILD Technologies s.r.o.
PHOTONIC Optische Geräte GesmbH & Co KG
We take on the challenge of optimising your products’ cost-benefit ratio in almost no time.
It is not unusual to see projects get out of line because target costs have been exceeded. The product doesn’t stand a chance of competing on the market and there is no prospect of achieving the planned return on the investment. WILD offers targeted value engineering throughout the entire product creation process. Similar to a firewall, our experts can intercept such exploding costs in time, by drawing attention to every detail. Even with fully developed products, it is sometimes necessary to detect and exploit improvement potentials.
“Our job is to make a product more profitable through interdisciplinary cooperation. We thoroughly scrutinise all kinds of costs, ranging from complete re-engineering, optimisation of the supply chain to customised manufacturing technologies and assembly flow analysis. We are even able to tune purchase and sales processes”, Technical Assistant to the Management Patrick Kraxner explains. This helps increase the product value and reduce costs, in turn benefiting our own customers and the end customers alike.
Sales Project Manager Markus Fontano explains how WILD managed to keep costs well below the prescribed limit in the production of a haematologic laboratory diagnosis device. “During the transition of a customer prototype to serial production, a target price was defined that was not feasible as a result of the design. We must create the necessary conditions to enable us to profitably manufacture 100 units of the in-vitro diagnostic device per year. By applying various methods including component optimisation, technology changes, purchase optimisation and the development of a new packaging concept, we even managed to cut costs by 24.5%.” Had the customer involved WILD already during the development of the product, it would have been possible to cut the costs even further. After all, the foundation for the subsequent costs such as tools or manufacturing technologies is laid at this stage.