WILD has been collecting considerable expertise in medical technology for years.
WILD is capable of producing a wide range of laboratory device classes.
WILD is a major player in the manufacturing of in-vitro diagnostics equipment.
WILD is a specialist in lasers for medical technology and particle analysis.
WILD has decades of experience in the field of optical measurement technology.
WILD produces precise and highly complex manufacturing parts itself.
WILD Electronics
WILD Technologies s.r.o.
PHOTONIC Optische Geräte GesmbH & Co KG
Acting in a trustworthy manner is a central component of our values. We therefore see adherence to the legal framework in terms of compliance as a basic requirement for our organization to which we are committed unreservedly. We are also proud to create a culture in which employees, suppliers and other business partners comply with legal regulations and the highest ethical standards.
Here you will find our Internal Compliance Policy and our Compliance Guidelines for Suppliers.
Openness and transparency are important to the WILD Group. We value the active cooperation of all stakeholders in pointing out actions that deviate from the law or our compliance guidelines.
The WILD Group has set up a legally compliant reporting channel for this purpose. All reports are systematically recorded, promptly checked and treated in strict confidence. For further information and submitting reports, please visit the WILD whistleblower system: Click here for the WILD whistleblower system & Kliknite sem k WILD systému oznamovatel’ov:liek
Harmonious cooperation is important to the WILD Group. This applies not only to our employees, but also to the neighbors of our sites. If you have any concerns regarding the environment, traffic, noise or other relevant issues, please do not hesitate to contact us via our local resident reporting system. For further information and to submit relevant replies, please visit our resident reporting system at the following link: Resident Reporting System & Systém pre obyvateľov